Listed below are names of pastors and lay-speakers who may be used by your church when you need someone to supply your pulpit.  These men have requested that their names be on this list and most live locally.

 *This information is provided for your assistance without any official recommendation from the Colbert-Lauderdale Baptist Association.

George W. adair  205-305-3591 or 205-217-8106

Todd adams 256-810-2107

Chris Atencio 256-762-6459

GENE BALDING 256-412-4809                                                   

MICHAEL BECK 256-627-1897

CHUCK BRADFORD 256-702-2946

Mike brooks 256-394-0135

Doug Brown 256-431-2058

Randy Bullington 256-275-6383 or 256-263-7006

Will Bryant 256-309-9932

KELLY CARTER 256-627-8172

Edward LEE (BUBBA) COle 256-335-2960

ROGER COLE 931-242-6189

Greg DAVIS 256-727-2308

Jeff Davis 256-810-6883

Brian Denton 256-810-0629

DAVID DILL 256-263-7795

Jamie Dorroh 256-668-3815

Tim driskell 205-789-0456

GUY ESTAVE 256-366-0220

David Farris 256-577-4538

Scot farris 256-275-6735

waymon fike 256-436-4622

Troy Fisher 256-710-6172

Ellis FLOYD 256-412-8342

KENNETH FLOYD 256-810-3565

RicharD fox 256-412-7195

Eddy garner 256-335-0691

Daniel Goggans 256-810-7964

Benjamin Gray 256-762-3394

bryon green 256-702-2177

jessie grimes 256-247-2482

Matt harty 713-9674-2086

GEORGE HENLEY 256-370-7631

Warren Herring 256-431-5686

JACKIE HILL 256-221-9914

Chad Holder 256-415-2052

STEVEN HOLLAND 727-631-3733

GORDON HOOD 256-710-4072

DAVID HOPE 256-764-1276

Cole Huffman 901-484-3001

ANDY HUGHES 229-220-3664

LARRY ISBELL 256-577-2086

MICHAEL JAMES 256-412-2193

david johnson 256-426-0960

JOHN KENNEDY 256-685-1981

MORRIS KENNEDY 256-627-7104 or 256-381-8659

DAVID KIEL 256-332-4294


Truman KIMBROUGH 256-383-1054

Rusty Kuhn 601-799-9955

TIM LANIER 256-349-1518

GARRY LOVETTE 256-648-0323

ROGER MARDIS 256-599-6344

RALTON MCCARLEY 256-394-1561

Kip MCKee 706-577-6843

GREG B. MORRIS 931-242-5307

Thad L. Moss 706-464-6210

Gary nantt 256-710-8872

JARROD NEWTON 256-460-2781

Jeff NEWTON 256-577-2952

MIKE O’BRIEN 256-856-6646

CHRIS OZMENT 256-335-9348

Adam Pharr 256-668-9754

STAN PRUITT 256-248-5005

Bertis Ray 256-577-8862

BILLY REDD 931-762-6550

Clay Richardson 256-856-5818 or 256-577-1698

LARRY SEWELL 256-760-0598

CHRIS SIMMONS 256-436-0014 or 256-247-0283

Norman Simmons 256-306-8181

Josh Simpson 256-800-4189

Greg Smart 662-512-0414 or 662-882-9468

Derrick Standridge 256-668-3061 

Rodney Shewbart  256-415-1489

logan stonecipher 256-577-1787

RANDY TANNER 256-381-7132 or 256-810-8110

Steve Thompson 256-366-6119

LEROY TIDWELL 256-247-3431

KENNETH TRAYER 256-760-4970 or 256-762-2721

THOMAS THORNTON 256-394-7017

JOSH TURNER 256-483-5954

TED VAFEAS 256-443-8011

GERRY WALLACE 256-332-1716

Sam Wallace 256-389-9413 or 256-566-5512

Sammy wallace  256-810-9451

Bobby Walton 256-415-2471

RICHARD WELCH 256-347-8680

Charles Williams  256-710-2144

Gary dan Williams 256-443-1730

Ray Wren 256-412-7238

Larry Wright  256-366-3529